Advanced Exercise Physiology, the relevant employees and agents will keep all records private and confidential unless otherwise stated. Information will not be used for purposes other than those for which I originally permitted, unless consent is given or it can be reasonably assumed that it may be used for another purpose. The information held by Advanced Exercise Physiology includes but is not limited to; financial information, personal information relating to my background including home or previous address, sex, date of birth, nationality, medical records and history, allergies, major illnesses and injuries, details of people who should be contacted in the event of an emergency, doctors and other practitioners. I understand and give consent for these types of information to be collected.
I understand that consent may be given to share the information provided to appropriate and associated third party individuals, organisations and agents which may include doctors, other allied health professionals, insurance agencies, case workers and the gym facility itself. I understand that in some cases, my information must be provided to such third parties as per requirements of attaining my case and I acknowledge and fully understand as well as hereby give consent for the sharing of my information to all applicable parties.
Part of Advanced Exercise Physiology’s responsibility in keeping my records is to ensure they are accurate and relevant. I understand that in the case that information is no longer relevant to the purpose for which it was initially used, it will be disposed of in a secure way. I will make every effort in ensuring my records are kept up-to-date by informing Advanced Exercise Physiology, their employees and/or agents of any changes in my circumstances and case. I understand that I have the right to view the information and records kept applicable to my case. If I would like to view Advanced Exercise Physiology records, I know that I must provide my request in writing to Advanced Exercise Physiology, their employees and/or agents. I understand that Advanced Exercise Physiology, their employees and agents may refuse service at any time and cannot be obligated to return any moneys or be pursued in any way if I breach any of the above terms and conditions."